So after my post yesterday things went a little wonky. I have concluded I should’ve done the taped sock to the back foot sooner.

I went into town for the first time since Rascal’s surgery to pick up some tea because who can live in summer without tea? I left Rascal under the careful watch of my mom. When I got back from this quick jaunt, things had already gone wrong. Mom said she was watching him very closely, but she did have to go pee and that short amount of time is apparently all Rascal needed to pull a good chunk of his stitches out.
As a result we put him into his new bow tie and took him to the vet before they closed for the holiday weekend to have him fixed up fresh. If he’s going to cause trouble the least he can do is look cute for the lovely ladies at the vet’s office.
So, Rascal m’boy has some new jewelry in the form of three staples. Good news being where he pulled the stitches had healed enough to stay mostly closed and didn’t bleed; the vet techs gave it a wash and his new combo stitch and staples look great. Bonus picture of Rascal enjoying his Farabloc blanket!
Hoping this finds you all well,
Rascal and Co.
RASCAL!!!! RAAAAAASCAL! You have come by your name honestly, that’s for sure!!!
You were just waiting for that o e split second when o o e was looking and BAB….Rascal becomes a naughty boy!! Nah, ot really ” naughty”. You just didn’t like those itchy stitches so you decided to eradicate the problem!
And I LPVE that you put on your bowtie for your “social outing”! I bet you just melt everyone’s heart with your charm and those beautiful eyes!! I know you melt mine! 🙂
Love rhis dog!!! Lo v e the fun relationship you have with him!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!
PS…let us k ow how the farabloc works.
Thanks for stopping by Sally! I’m sure Rascal would give you his best flirty eyes at the first opportunity!
The farabloc has been a great addition to Rascal’s bed set up since it arrived, he chose to lay on it himself and it’s the only place he’ll really lay with his stump under his body weight. Definitely glad we got one!
Body jewelry! Now that is funny, never thought of it like that!
Looking good Rascal even if you are living up to your name.
And thanks for the feedback on the Farbloc. We carry them in our Gear store, I hope you don’t mind but I’d love to point people here to let them know you are enjoying it. Love that it’s working for you!
Thanks for reading Jerry!
I’m completely comfortable with that idea, I was worried Rascal wouldn’t like the Farabloc after my brother bought him a big one, but he sleeps very deeply when tucked up into it.
Thanks a bunch, we appreciate it. I’ll send you a link when our post goes up.
P.S. I use our Farabloc blanket for my migraines and it really helps alleviate the pain.