More Dog or The Week in Photos

So it’s picture dump time!

20150713_210000_resizedI never mentioned what we did when we took Rascal to Home Depot! We picked out paint colors! It’s been a long time since we’ve done the exterior of our home, and we decided to figure it out! We’re starting with one chunk at a time, working our way up to the entire house. We decided on doing the house/decking grey and all the trim purple! We’re eccentric, we can pull off purple.

20150715_125438_resizedI caught a candid shot of Rascal one afternoon enjoying a car ride in his dapper bow tie. His neck-skin is so loose it sort of hangs over his fashionable accessory, especially when he’s as relaxed as he is in this photo! He had accompanied me to a quick hair job for a friend of mine. He frolicked in her yard, enjoyed a nap on her carpet, and flirted his little heart out with her! No vet visits for this dog! Only sunshine and fun times! His little lady back home is definitely getting jealous that he’s hogging all the car rides and going out all the time without her! Dual dog park trips will have to be implemented.

20150714_150547_resizedSoon after that we enjoyed some yoga on the front deck. He loves just spending time out there, smelling the breeze and soaking up sunshine, I can try and make him walk around but he usually settles somewhere and just gives me imperious glances. As seen in this shot we’ve both got a leg out!







Rascal hasn’t gotten back into the swing of bedtime cuddles, but he is all about the day time chair sharing! Caught this candid image when he was napping beside the Queen of the house, his human’s mom! She puts down a little pillow and everything for him, so he always enjoys his time sharing a chair with her. As we can see here, out like a light! He enjoys tucking his back legs up against us, he tends to just drop off to dreamland if his back legs are digging into our sides!


In an effort to be more dog, I have just dumped all the random photos to do with the master of mischief himself, even if there’s no particular theme or reason behind them! Soon to come, pictures of Rascal chilling out on the deck while we try and paint it around him!


Wishing the Tripawd Nation all the best, you wonderful dogs you,

Rascal and Co.


One thought on “More Dog or The Week in Photos”

  1. Ahhhh….I love starting my day with my “Rascal fix”!

    I promise you,all his regular routines like snuggling, etc. will all come back. For my Happy Hannah, I remember the five week mark was when some of those things started happening for her. She finally started “Wooo woooooi g”when I came home, gretting me at the door, things that she hadn’t done for weeks and weeks. And ohhh how I loved it!!

    I love how you have your Grandma trained tonplace your pillow properly for you! You are a very loved pup!!

    And Rascal, you are sooooo handsome in your bow tie! Girls must go bonkers when they see you all dressed up!

    LOVE your updates a d photos! LOVE THIS RASCAL GUY!!

    Oh, purple and grey? GREAT CHOICE!!!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

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